Condições de filtragem

Long-Lasting Filter for Water【2 unidades】 (L-WFLMF-B)

Long-Lasting Filter for Water L-WFLMF-B
  • Long-Lasting Filter for Water
  • Long-Lasting Filter for Water

Número da peça:

    Conjunto (2 unidades)

    Desenho de contorno

    Long-Lasting Filter for Water:Related Image

    Lista de números de peça

    Número de itens
    Número da peça


    Applicable manufacturer

    Major Diameter




    Minor Diameter



    Filter Paper Model

    Overview/Applicable Models (reference)

    Shaped Model

    Quantidade mínima de encomenda
    Makino Milling Machine
    Center Coupler
    Standard Type
    EE (3 / 6 / 6L) / EQ5 / EH(3 / 6) / EQH5 / EQF5 / MUQ32 / EC (32 / 64) / MU43 / ECQ53
    1 conjuntos

    2 unidades

    Preço unitário (excluindo IVA)(Preço unitário incluindo IVA)
    Data de envio standard
    399.25 €
    ( 475.11 € )
    7 dias úteis

    Informações detalhadas

    Informações básicas

    A special folding process for filtration materials contributes to the decreased cost that comes by way of a decreased exchange frequency

    Especificações e preço


    Long-Lasting Filter for Water:Related Image

    1 Pack Unit Contains 2 Pieces
    Model NumberTypeApplicable
    Major diameterInner diameterHeightCouplerAccuracy
    (Equivalent µm)
    [ ! ]Overview / Applicable Models (reference)
    L-WFLMDMitsubishi Electric Corporation300-500Center Coupler3 μmDWC-(90 / 90S / 110 / 110S / 110P) A / B / S / Z / Z-P
    E340300CX (10 / 20) / FX (10 / 20 / 10K / 20K / 30K) / FA (10 / 20 / 30 / 10P / 20P)
    RA90 / QA (10 / 20) / PX05 / FA (10VS / 20VS / 10PS / 20PS)
    ESHighly Functional Type with Integrated Type E Filter Media (applicable with the same equipment as type E)
    F30029250NDWC-(70 / 90 / 90P / 110 / 200) F / G / H / HA / U
    DWC-(90 / 110) C1 / C2 / SX (10 / 20)
    FSHighly Functional Type with Integrated Type F Filter Media (applicable with the same equipment as type F)
    G-Center CouplerDWC-(90 / 90S / 110 / 110S / 110P) A / B / S / Z / Z-P
    L-WFLSDDSodick Co.,Ltd34045300NA (350 / 350S / 350W / 350SS / 350SSW / 300W / 320D / 500 / 500W / 530D)
    A (600W / 650 / 750 / 750W / 1000 / 1000W) / BF (250 / 275 / 280L / 320L) /
    AQ (325L / 327L / 350L / 360L / 535L / 537L / 550L / 600 / 700 / 750L) / AX350L / EXL100L
    DSHighly Functional Type with Integrated Type D Filter Media (applicable with the same equipment as type D)
    L-WFLFBFANUC CORPORATIONMODEL (O / P / Q / R / S / V) / TAPECUT (W0 / W1 / W2 / W3 / W4)
    α-(0B / 1B / 0C / 1C / OiA)
    BSHighly Functional Type with Integrated Type B Filter Media (applicable with the same equipment as type B)
    C-Center Couplerα-(0iB / 0iC / 1iB / 1iC / 0PiB / 0PiC / 1iD)
    CSHighly Functional Type with Integrated Type C Filter Media (applicable with the same equipment as type C)
    L-WFLMFBMakino Milling Machine300500EE (3 / 6 / 6L) / EQ5 / EH (3 / 6) / EQH5 / EQF5 / MUQ32 / EC (32 / 64)
    MU43 / ECQ53
    C340300U (32 / 53 / 32K / 53K / 32i / 53i / 32j / 86) / EC (32 / 64 ) / ECQ53 / EU64 /
    SP (43 / 64) / W (32FB / 53FB) / UP (32i / 53i) / UF53 / UPH1
    CSHighly Functional Type with Integrated Type C Filter Media (applicable with the same equipment as type C)
    D300250EE (3 / 6 / 6L) / EQ5 / EH (3 / 6) / EQH5 / EQF5 / MUQ32 / EC (32 / 64)
    MU43 / ECQ53
    L-WFLHDHitachi Seiko500(3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 8) Q / 3HP
    E340300CUT (203F2 / 203R / 254 / 254RS / 254RH / 254Y / 354 / 354R)
    CUT (355 / 355R / 355RS / 355RH / 355Y)
    ESHighly Functional Type with Integrated Type E Filter Media (applicable with the same equipment as type E)
    L-WFLSEBSeibu Electric & Machinery300500EW (A5 / A5S / A7S) / EW (300 / 450 / 600 / 700 / 1000) K2
    EW-C3 / EWP-B3S
    C340300M (350S / 500S / 750S)
    CSHighly Functional Type with Integrated Type C Filter Media (applicable with the same equipment as type C)
    L-WFLBCBrother30029250NHS (300 / 350 / 3100 / 3600 / 5100)
    CSHighly Functional Type with Integrated Type C Filter Media (applicable with the same equipment as type C)
    [ ! ]Standard specification parts are listed for each applicable model. Be sure to check the pressure method and dimensions since specifications are subject to change.
    [ ! ]With center coupler types, this product sometimes cannot be installed depending on the length of the joint-side hose of the machine body.
    [ ! ]Accuracy is given for reference purposes only. (It is not an absolute filtration value).
    [ ! ]The maximum operating pressure is 2 kg/cm2. Immediately replace when this pressure is reached.
    [ ! ]Filter life varies considerably according to processing conditions. Note that the filter life is particularly shortened, when non-ferric metal materials such as brass and aluminum are processed.
    [ ! ]Specifications are subject to change without notice in the interest of product improvement.

    Caraterísticas e exemplos de utilização

    More Information

    A special folding process for filtration materials contributes to a considerably improved filtration area and longer service life compared with the normal
    ● Used Filters
    [ ! ]Used filters are not collected.
    [ ! ] Dispose of used filters in accordance with industrial waste disposal methods designated in the region where you are using the product.