Tubular Inside Micrometer, Inch (133-228)

Tubular Inside Micrometer, Inch 133-228

Product Details:

Manufacturer part number: 133-228


Price: 195.00

Delivery time: 60 Days

Technical Data:

Display Method: Analog

Mass: 180 g

Digital/Analog: Analog

Graduation: 0.001 inch

Max. Permissible Error J MPE: ±0.00025 inch

Part Number

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the corresponding part number is displayed here.


Part Number
Part NumberRelated to
Standard Unit Price
Minimum order quantityVolume Discount
Shipping Days
Display Method Mass
Digital/Analog Graduation
Max. Permissible Error J MPE
Measuring Face Measuring Method Measuring Span
Measuring Spindle Measuring Spindle
Scale Spindle Feed Error

195.00 €

1 60 Days Analog180Analog0.001±0.00025Carbide tipped2-Point-With spindle lock (except 50-75 mm), spindle pitch 0.5 mm-7-8Thimble and sleeve satin chrome finish, Ø18 mm-


  1. 1

Basic information

Type Special Micrometer Inch-Metric Inch

This page is Tubular Inside Micrometer, Inch, part number 133-228.
You can find the detail information about specifications and dimensions on part number 133-228.

Variation of this product

Part Number
Part NumberRelated ToStandard Unit PriceMinimum order quantityVolume DiscountStandard
Shipping Days
Display Method Mass
Digital/Analog Graduation
Max. Permissible Error J MPE
Measuring Face Measuring Method Measuring Span
Measuring Spindle Measuring Spindle
Scale Spindle Feed Error

172.00 €

1 60 Days Analog130Analog0.001±0.00025Carbide tipped2-Point-With spindle lock (except 50-75 mm), spindle pitch 0.5 mm-4-5Thimble and sleeve satin chrome finish, Ø18 mm-

176.00 €

1 60 Days Analog160Analog0.001±0.00025Carbide tipped2-Point-With spindle lock (except 50-75 mm), spindle pitch 0.5 mm-5-6Thimble and sleeve satin chrome finish, Ø18 mm-

181.00 €

1 5 Days Analog170Analog0.001±0.00025Carbide tipped2-Point-With spindle lock (except 50-75 mm), spindle pitch 0.5 mm-6-7Thimble and sleeve satin chrome finish, Ø18 mm-

204.00 €

1 60 Days Analog200Analog0.001±0.00025Carbide tipped2-Point-With spindle lock (except 50-75 mm), spindle pitch 0.5 mm-8-9Thimble and sleeve satin chrome finish, Ø18 mm-

212.00 €

1 60 Days Analog210Analog0.001±0.0003Carbide tipped2-Point-With spindle lock (except 50-75 mm), spindle pitch 0.5 mm-9-10Thimble and sleeve satin chrome finish, Ø18 mm-

221.00 €

1 5 Days Analog235Analog0.001±0.0003Carbide tipped2-Point-With spindle lock (except 50-75 mm), spindle pitch 0.5 mm-10-11Thimble and sleeve satin chrome finish, Ø18 mm-

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