Cylinder, rotary actuator and chuck related parts are types of pneumatic equipment and their related parts. This category includes the cylinders, rotary actuators and chucks themselves, and also their components; parts, units and switches that are used as auxiliary parts; and maintenance accessories. Examples include locks used in combination with rotary actuators; valve units for converters; and grease for lubricating the operation of line flow channels and sliding parts. Within the category of the cylinder, rotary actuator and chuck related parts, cylinder replacement parts and packing sets are available in a particularly wide range of quantities and types. The compatible parts and packing vary according to the cylinder size and operating environment. The set contents and part numbers must be checked before the purchase.
● High tact: Short stroke reduces operation time significantly● Long life with soft stop: Smooth shock absorption achieved with the use of a slit orifice mechanism● High ease of maintenance: Easy installation with no head cap required
* The product images are for reference only. Please note that they are not representative of the actual product. Replacement parts (seal kit, shock absorbers) for the RS Series Stopper Cylinder / Heavy Duty Stopper Cylinder. [Please refer to the following pages of the catalog]P.216, 217 Stopper CylinderP.218, 219 Heavy Duty Stopper Cylinder