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  • Estoque
  • Type
  • The main application tube outer diameter(mm)
  • Applicable Pipe Type
  • Material
  • Surface Treatment
  • Floor Through Metal Fittings (The main application tube outer diameter: 30 to Less Than 40)

    Riser clamps are pipe support fittings used to prevent vibration of piping that vertically penetrates a floor. Floor bands are available for various types of piping, such as copper pipes, SGP pipes, and drainage cast iron pipes. In all cases, floor bands are fixed in place by laying them in vertical pipes and slabs before use. Materials include electrogalvanized finish and stainless steel, so select according to the location of use. Using a type with a surface coated with flexible PVC or a type with copper pipe rubber attached can prevent scratches caused by the support fitting touching the surface of the tube. If there is a fitting, etc. on the slab and it is difficult to install a floor band, use a floor band with feet. Cosmetic ceiling plates may be used in conjunction with floor bands.
      • Floor Through Brackets Floor Band / CL Floor Band (Electro-Galvanized / Stainless Steel)
        • DESCONTO
        • Volume Discount


        Floor Through Brackets Floor Band / CL Floor Band (Electro-Galvanized / Stainless Steel)

        Dedicated floor band for SGP pipe, stainless steel pipe, surface coated steel pipe, copper pipe, cast iron drainage pipe, and fire resistant dual pipe (FDP), Floor Band for SGP pipe (vibration proof auxiliary)[Features]· A10408 floor band: floor band for SGP pipe, electrogalvanized finish.· A10423 stainless steel floor band: floor band for stainless steel copper pipe.· A10410CL floor band: floor band for surface coated steel pipe, electrogalvanized finish.
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        TypeThe main application tube outer diameter(mm)Applicable Pipe TypeMaterialSurface Treatment
        Floor Through Bracket30 to Less Than 40Steel pipe / coated steel pipe / Stainless Steel PipeSteel / Stainless SteelN/A / Zinc Plating
        Preço regular (excluindo IVA):
        2.03 €
        Preço regular (excluindo IVA):
        Preço especial
        Data de envio regular:
        Item em stock - 1 dia útil
        Alguns artigos podem ser enviados no próprio dia
      • Floor-Band, FBN, Floor Band
        • Volume Discount


        Floor-Band, FBN, Floor Band

        [Features]• A support fixture for protecting against vibration of through-floor standing pipes; used for SGP piping.• Part numbers ending in M indicate the Super M type.• 15 A, 125 A to 300 A are not Super M.· Also, the 15 A band is provided with ribs.• Those made with stainless steel from 15 A to 100 A are provided with ribs.• Those made with stainless steel are not Super M.
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        TypeThe main application tube outer diameter(mm)Applicable Pipe TypeMaterialSurface Treatment
        Floor Through Bracket30 to Less Than 40Stainless Steel PipeSteelBright Chromate
        Preço regular (excluindo IVA):
        4.70 €
        Data de envio regular:
        10 dias úteis
      • Sealing Plate, JCP Resin Sealing Plate
        • Volume Discount


        Sealing Plate, JCP Resin Sealing Plate

        [Features]• A cosmetic plate for use at a pipe pass-through opening.• Other dimensions such as small-diameter sizes for suspension bolts are available.• Please ask about custom color orders.• We can also make the product to your specified dimensions.• Standard product includes glue.• Please specify color with I, W, G at the end.
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        TypeThe main application tube outer diameter(mm)Applicable Pipe TypeMaterialSurface Treatment
        The Related Components of Floor Through Brackets30 to Less Than 40-PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride)N/A
        Preço regular (excluindo IVA):
        3.77 €
        Data de envio regular:
        10 dias úteis